25–29 Jan 2010
Europe/Zurich timezone

Means to limit the collateral damages in the beam vacuum chamber


Miguel Jimenez


The incident in the sector 3-4 has pointed out the need to limit whenever possible the propagation of the contamination by soot, MLI and other debris to an entire arc. Indeed, the subsequent endoscopic inspection and cleaning imply about 6 months of shutdown and requires opening the interconnections every 200 m. Following a brief review of the 3-4 incident, the impact of a similar incident at other locations in the LHC ring will be discussed together with the expected impact onto the upstream and downstream vacuum sectors. Expected pressure profiles will be presented. Some proposal to limit the induced overpressure and the propagation of dusts will be discussed. Their feasibility and drawbacks as well as the prerequisite and time required for their implementation will be discussed and compared to solutions implemented in other accelerators. The applicability to the recently defined MCI will be commented.

Presentation materials