25–29 Jan 2010
Europe/Zurich timezone

Upgrade possibilities in the SPS

28 Jan 2010, 10:30


"Le Majestic"


Elena Shaposhnikova


The LHC beam with characteristics close to nominal was obtained in the SPS already a few years ago. The main beam-quality limitation comes from the e-cloud effect which seems also to be responsible for high beam losses. During MD sessions in 2008 and 2009 the total intensity of the LHC beam was limited to three PS batches. Intensities above nominal have not yet been seen in the SPS and possible limitations can only be estimated from the scaling laws and machine studies. Future upgrades aimed at removal of the known bottlenecks in the SPS are presented. The consequences of operating with SPL and PS2 as pre-injectors are also considered.

Presentation materials