25–29 Jan 2010
Europe/Zurich timezone

Arcon/Ramses: Current status and operational risks

27 Jan 2010, 11:10


"Le Majestic"
Board: None


Doris Forkel-Wirth


The levels of ionising radiation around the LHC injector chain are monitored by the ARCON system (born with LEP), the ones around the LHC by the state of the art system RAMSES. The talk will present the consequences for beam operation in case of technical failures of the monitoring system(s), the strategy chosen to replace ARCON with RAMSES and the corresponding mile stones of the initial replacement project (RAMSES-2-light) which will only cover the LHC injector chain. The replacement of the remaining ARCON system, i.e. of all non-LHC facilities will present another, major project (RAMSES-2).

Presentation materials