12–14 Jun 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone


Important! We recommend booking as soon as possible because Bologna hosts several events in the first weeks of June (including the large cultural festival "La repubblica delle Idee", whose 2024 dates haven't been announced yet) so accommodation availability can run out quickly and prices might rise significantly.

There are plenty of accommodation options near the workshop venue, that can be reliably checked out on booking.com or other main accommodation platforms. 

The city has a multitude of small B&B's located in residential buildings. Many of them were refurbished or established after 2020, which often guarantees a better quality/price ratio compared to hotels.

Coffee+pastry breakfasts are most conveniently found in local cafes, that offer good quality for very cheap prices. Hotel breakfasts are only recommended if you look for a continental "bacon 'n' eggs" or savory food, which is harder to find otherwise.