
  • hi-ecn3-project-admin
  • Matthew Alexander Fraser


Joint NA-CONS / HI-ECN3 TCC meetings

The proposed High Intensity ECN3 (HI-ECN3) Facility will provide unique capabilities for delivering a high intensity 400 GeV proton beam for fixed target physics at CERN SPS’s North Area. The funding for the initial Technical Design Report (TDR) phase of the beam delivery and facility study was approved by the CERN Council in 2023 following recommendation by the Research Board. In close synergy with the NA-CONS project, the HI-ECN3 Study Project will finalise the technical studies and present a coherent upgrade proposal (including timeline and resource and budget needs) in the form of a TDR in collaboration with the experiment(s) chosen to exploit the facility.

Categories in HI-ECN3 Study Project