29 March 2010 to 1 April 2010
Europe/Zurich timezone


Shower MC

29 Mar 2010, 09:00
Monday-Wednesday: Salle Bohr, 40-S-B01 Thursday: TH Auditorium (CERN)

Monday-Wednesday: Salle Bohr, 40-S-B01 Thursday: TH Auditorium


Monday-Wednesday: Salle Bohr, 40-S-B01 Thursday: TH Auditorium

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Peter Skands (CERN)
29/03/2010, 09:00
Torbjorn Sjostrand (Department of Theoretical Physics)
29/03/2010, 09:20
Dr Peter Richardson (Durham University)
29/03/2010, 10:00
frank krauss (Durham University)
29/03/2010, 11:15
Leif Lonnblad (Lund University)
29/03/2010, 12:15
Building timetable...