25–29 Jan 2010
Europe/Zurich timezone

How radiation will change your life

26 Jan 2010, 19:00


"Le Majestic"


Doris Forkel-Wirth


Estimations of losses around the LHC ring for several energy and intensity scenarios for the 2009/2010 run are reviewed. The presentation describes the impact of RP consideration on consolidation work during the next long shut down on potentially highly irradiated items such as experimental beam pipes, TAS and TAN, low-b triplets, collimators and Roman Pots. Access conditions during a short stop, and work restrictions during such an access is also addressed. The RP requirements for the next beam periods, together with fire protection constraints on the LHC cooling & ventilation, are also presented: these cover confinement, DP between ventilation sectors, air and water contamination.

Presentation materials