25–29 Jan 2010
Europe/Zurich timezone

Where are we with the Long-term plans and the CERN-wide radiation Policy

27 Jan 2010, 19:30


"Le Majestic"
Board: None


Roberto Losito


The different options for the long term consolidation plan are presented, which should ensure that the risk of SEE in control electronics installed in the LHC is minimized. The plan will imply full (or partly) relocation of the installed electronics for some locations like US85 or UJ56 and UJ76, additional shielding in different areas where relocation is not convenient and may imply major civil engineering for Point 1 and Point 5. The possibility to avoid some of this heavy works by modifying the loss pattern or by redesigning some of the control systems to be radiation tolerant will be summarized for the major systems. Finally, the basic principles to be fixed in a CERN wide radiation policy at CERN will be proposed, with the aim of ensuring that we will never in the future be obliged again to consolidate further exposed underground installations.

Presentation materials