25–29 Jan 2010
Europe/Zurich timezone

Is there a need for re-sectorization and/or additional interlocks?

27 Jan 2010, 09:25


"Le Majestic"
Board: None


Marc Tavlet


The presentation explains the objectives and justifications, as well as the drawbacks of the current LHC sectorisation and the LASS/LACS. The lessons learnt from the September-2008 incident impose more constraints. New constraints linked to safety as well as to exploitation are reviewed. How can the new requests be addressed? Should the sectorisation be revised ? Would that imply more sector doors, less sector doors, other sector doors? Do the new constraints impose more ventilation doors? Should the LASS/LACS address more risks? Should we include additional interlocks such as ventilation doors and power converters in the LASS? What would be the consequences of such additional interlocks?

Presentation materials