25–29 Jan 2010
Europe/Zurich timezone

Review of exposed equipment in the LHC: a global view

27 Jan 2010, 17:35


"Le Majestic"
Board: None


Thijs Wijnands


An overview of equipment exposed to radiation in critical LHC areas is presented and the most critical systems are high-lighted with respect to system criticality and operational impact in case of failure, as well as to the expected estimated radiation sensitivity in the different LHC points. System criticality is analysed in terms of failure consequences, while for equipment sensitivity, assumptions have to be made since a large fraction of LHC electronics is based on industrial equipment for which no reliable data for radiation tolerance exists. For both aspects, an update is given where detailed system conclusions can be drawn, and a global prioritization based on CERN and outside experience is presented where this is not possible.

Presentation materials